Wednesday, May 27, 2015

At the Electronic Components and Technology Conference 2015

The 2015 ECTC is held at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, California, USA from May 26 to 29, 2015. ECTC brings together over 1,000 professionals from the global microelectronics packaging industry for 4 consecutive days packed with Technical presentations. Technology Corner Exhibits provide an opportunity to meet with and learn from industry movers on the latest technological advances.

ECTC 2015 - IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference
The Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) is the premier international event that brings together the best in packaging, components and microelectronic systems science, technology and education in an environment of cooperation and technical exchange. ECTC is sponsored by the Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society of the IEEE.

Electronic Interconnect encourages you to network with other companies in the industry and learn about the latest developments and technologies.  We provide custom PCB manufacturing and testing at our facility in Elk Grove Village, IL and you can learn more about our services by visiting our website at